


Please see below the most commonly asked questions about our platform.
Is Legerly a marketplace?

Yes, Legerly is a marketplace where you’ll be able to purchase NFT books.

Is Legerly a cryptocurrency project?

Yes, Legerly is a cryptocurrency project. We’ll integrate payments in both crypto and fiat for our services.

Is Legerly an AI tool?

Legerly will implement customized AI tools to help empower Legerly Authors, but the project itself is not an AI tool.

Is Legerly a publisher?

We’re not a traditional publisher, but an NFT book marketplace that also offers publishing services.

Can I sell my existing books on Legerly?

Yes, you can sell both your published and unpublished titles on Legerly’s marketplace. All you’ll need to do is publish them through Legerly’s Publication Tool, and once approved, they will be available for sale.

Is Legerly a crowdfunding platform?

We’ll allow Legerly Authors to participate in crowdfunding for their literary projects, where investors can contribute funds to their campaign in exchange for tokenized book rights.

Is Legerly a tokenized asset platform?

For now, Legerly is an NFT book marketplace. We have plans to release a tokenized asset project in the future, so stay tuned.

What is "Read to Earn"?

Legerly users can participate in quizzes based on the contents of the books they read. These may reward them with tokens, which will be useful later.

Remember the project is STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT and SUBJECT TO CHANGE. These questions and answers are there to provide insight into how the project is coming along and may be updated or altered as it progresses. The terms, services, fees, and functionality of the platform are likely to change and evolve as we approach the launch date.

Tokenized books 

Generic FAQ for tokenized books

What are NFTs for authors?

Think of NFTs as unique trading cards. Just as trading cards have differing rarity and designs, NFTs can also have levels of rarity and unique digital artwork. 

And just as you might collect trading cards and swap them with others, you can also collect and trade NFTs with other collectors. The key difference is that NFTs exist in a digital form on a blockchain, rather than physical cards.

Author: Get funded. Sell books. 

As a Legerly Author, you can raise funds to turn your book idea into a reality! 

Below is all you need to know about the process.

Is Legerly a marketplace?

Yes, Legerly is a marketplace where you’ll be able to purchase NFT books.

Is Legerly a cryptocurrency project?

Yes, Legerly is a cryptocurrency project. We’ll integrate payments in both crypto and fiat for our services.

Is Legerly an AI tool?

Legerly will implement customized AI tools to help empower Legerly Authors, but the project itself is not an AI tool.

Is Legerly a publisher?

We’re not a traditional publisher, but an NFT book marketplace that also offers publishing services.

Can I sell my existing books on Legerly?

Yes, you can sell both your published and unpublished titles on Legerly’s marketplace. All you’ll need to do is publish them through Legerly’s Publication Tool, and once approved, they will be available for sale.

Is Legerly a crowdfunding platform?

We’ll allow Legerly Authors to participate in crowdfunding for their literary projects, where investors can contribute funds to their campaign in exchange for tokenized book rights.

Is Legerly a tokenized asset platform?

For now, Legerly is an NFT book marketplace. We have plans to release a tokenized asset project in the future, so stay tuned.

What is "Read to Earn"?

Legerly users can participate in quizzes based on the contents of the books they read. These may reward them with tokens, which will be useful later.


Tokenized book platform

NFTs – RWA – AI – Gaming
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