

Why we started Legerly

Vision and mission 

Every story deserves to be heard, but large publishers don’t agree. By dominating the market, publishers are the gatekeepers of the literary world. If you’re among the lucky few to get your work published, the burden of marketing falls on your shoulders. Our mission is to change the future of the book market by giving authors and readers fairer conditions. We’re committed to amplifying the voices of underrepresented authors and giving their stories the attention they deserve. We connect authors, readers, investors, and gamers to create a profitable platform for all.

Make it easier 

We understand that the publishing journey can be lengthy and challenging. That's why our goal is to simplify the entire process. Our platform provides funding opportunities, professional services, and AI tools to help authors refine their craft and connect with their audience.

Enable ownership  

In today's society, ownership is diminishing as subscriptions become more prevalent. While you may have access to numerous items at a low monthly cost, once the subscription ends, everything is lost. We aim to change this by enabling you to truly own and build a personal library of books again.


Additionally, we understand the demand for an improved marketplace for tokenized books. Our user-centric platform simplifies the process of acquiring distinctive non-fungible assets for investors.

We strive to introduce fresh avenues for generating revenue for investors. When an author chooses to sell the rights to a book, you, as an investor, will have the opportunity to purchase them.

Our other goal is to procure rare physical books and book rights for popular titles, subsequently tokenizing them to enable widespread investment. This will expand the potential for a larger number of investors to participate in a previously inaccessible market.


We are introducing a revolutionary concept: Read to Earn. Our platform leverages literature to empower readers with token rewards. Unlike repetitive Play to Earn games, our platform offers a captivating and enriching way to earn tokens while broadening your literary horizons.


Legerly is more than just a book marketplace. We're building a platform that empowers authors, readers, investors, and gamers alike.

Our team  members



Carl Liwerstrohle 



Carl is a serial entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in SaaS, mobility, blockchain, and AI. His mission is to increase free speech by utilizing blockchain technology.
Carl’s passion for writing led him to spend 5 years writing a complex action thriller book, overcoming numerous challenges with the help of editors, graphic designers, proofreaders, and other professionals. However, he faced rejection from 25 publishers and 6 agents, which left him feeling frustrated and disillusioned. Determined to find a new way to bring his book to readers, Carl drew on his extensive software development knowledge, AI research, and experience in cryptocurrency to create Legerly; a platform that allows authors to publish their work as tokenized books.
Carl is committed to empowering writers to bypass traditional publishing gatekeepers and connect directly with readers. He believes that tokenization has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about books and intellectual property, and is excited to be at the forefront of this emerging field.
Sebastian is a consultant, freelance writer, and fantasy author who has been working on Web3 since its release to the public.

Sebastian has been part of the Web3 boom since the very beginning and saw its potential to decentralize the convoluted literary publishing industry by giving power back to the creatives. The traditional publishing industry’s bureaucracy alienated him, while the self-publishing industry seemed difficult to break into. He collaborated with Carl to bring forth a new system that makes it easier for authors to publish their books by leveraging the power of Web3 and AI.

As a Legerly co-founder, he’s committed to giving underrepresented authors a voice through Web3.


Sebastián Calderón 


Sales and Marketing  


Sebastián Calderón 


Sales and Marketing  

Sebastian is a consultant, freelance writer, and fantasy author who has been working on Web3 since its release to the public.
Sebastian has been part of the Web3 boom since the very beginning and saw its potential to decentralize the convoluted literary publishing industry by giving power back to the creatives. The traditional publishing industry’s bureaucracy alienated him, while the self-publishing industry seemed difficult to break into. He collaborated with Carl to bring forth a new system that makes it easier for authors to publish their books by leveraging the power of Web3 and AI.

As a Legerly co-founder, he’s committed to giving underrepresented authors a voice through Web3


Amer Mohammed 


Tech with focus on AI and Web3 


Advisor 2 




Advisor 3 



Executive, SVP, CDO/CIO/CPO Board Member, Keynote speaker, Advisor. Experience and technology expert
Talks about AI, NFT, Web3, leadership and transformation

A passion-driven and futuristic digital director, speaker, and entrepreneur with substantial experience in combining business development, technology, change enablement, and design to implement effective, long-lasting enterprise business transformation strategies. Throughout his career, he has acquired significant international experience that offers him a holistic understanding of multicultural environments, as well as strong cultural sensitivity.

He has also co-founded an award-winning start-up, Healthy Heroes, an app allowing users to level up a game character by running in real life. The app received several awards, the GuldMobilen 2013 and the Royal Innovation prize for most innovative health app. After raising more than 22 million SEK and finally selling it in 2014, he was asked to help Nelly.com with a transition to new platforms.

In 2015, he joined Stena, substantially transforming the company from a traditional shipping company to a tech house with its own Head of AI and data science team. He was then headhunted by one of the largest consultancy companies in the world, CapGemini Scandinavia. As their Chief Digital Officer, he was responsible for delivering actual AI implementations for the company’s largest clients in Scandinavia.


Tokenized book platform

NFTs – RWA – AI – Gaming

His next mission was 2019 when he joined Coop Sweden as CDO and Digital Director. Oversaw digital and corporate strategies, including the development of initiatives aimed at driving increased customer engagement. Built a high-performing 90-member team responsible for data science, experience, design, technology, architecture, product development, digital business development, and innovation. Originated new digital strategy, researching emerging trends across multiple subjects, such as technology, leadership, behavior science, experience, design, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and patent applications. Envisioned, designed, and executed the implementation of customer-specific solutions.

On a typical day, you will find him continuously learning. He reads around 200 articles and two books each month, and participates in at least five online courses per month. He is a frequent lecturer and usually holds keynotes at large conferences.

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